ASTM D5188, ASTM D5191, ASTM D6377, ASTM D6378, ASTM D6897, EN 13016-1, EN 13016-2, EN 13016-3, IP394, IP409, IP481, JIS K2258-2, SHT 0769, SHT 0794, SNT 2932, GOST 52340
Correlation to
ASTM D1267, ASTM D323, ASTM D2533, ASTM D4953, ASTM D5190, ASTM D5482
For LPG vapor pressure testing eralytics increased the standard operating range of the ERAVAP to up to 2000 kPa. ERAVAP LPG covers the model series’ temperature range of -20 °C to 120 °C and is fully compliant with ASTM D6897. As extended model it covers fuels, solvents and aqueous solutions as included in the latest international standards.
Vapor pressure testing of LPG
Information on the vapor pressure of LPG is important for the proper choice of storage tanks and shipping vessels. It is mainly measured for safety reasons that the maximum design pressure of storage and handling systems isn’t exceeded under normal operating conditions. The vapor pressure of LPG can also give insights into the initial evaporation under extreme low temperature conditions.
Maximum Flexibility with ASTM D6897
ASTM D6897 can be used to measure the vapor pressure of LPG in the temperature range of 37.8 °C to 70 °C. It covers a vapor to liquid ratio of 0.1:1 to 4:1. The maximum vapor pressure is 3500 kPa. However, the precision statement of a repeatability of 7.4 kPa was only determined in the range of 300 kPa to 1463 kPa.
ASTM D6897 is used to specify the LPG vapor pressure according to ASTM D1835. The vapor pressure of butane must not exceed 483 kPa and the one of propane must be below 1434 kPa according to ASTM D1835 measured at 37.8 °C and a vapor to liquid ratio of 0.5:1.
LPG Configuration
To cover the extended vapor pressure range needed for LPG vapor pressure testing, ERAVAP LPG is equipped with special solenoid valves that cover a pressure range up to 2000 kPa. This adds enough safety margin and allows to test the vapor pressure of LPG even at elevated temperatures.ERAVAP LPG covers a pressure range of 0 kPa to 2000 kPa and a temperature range of -20 °C up to 120 °C. V/L ratios down to 0.02:1 and up to 4:1 are possible. ERAVAP LPG offers a repeatability of 0.7 kPa clearly outperforming ASTM D6897.In addition it is equipped with a quick-fit inlet system which allows to connect pressurized cylinders with ease
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