TLC80-14DP 230V-50Hz
TLC80-14DP 230V-50Hz
Tamson Double Power, low Temperature Circulator TLC80-14DP with a temperature range from -80°C up to 20°C. The bath volume is 14 litres and the bath opening measures 290 x 200 mm. Device offers external circulation.
Bath Temperature Accuracy
0.05 K
Bath Volume
14 litre
Minimum Temperature
Maximum Temperature
The TLC80-14DP is a low temperature circulator with a bath contents of 14 litres. The minimum temperature which can be reached is minus 82°C. At -80°C the heat removal capacity is 150 Watts. The bath can be used for general low temperature use but shows excellent heat removal performance i.e. in combination with Cloud and Pour point tests. Low fluid level is detected electronically.
The used cooling system is ozone friendly chlorine free HFC refrigerant. With the compressor running continuously, the fluid temperature is regulated through an electronic controlled heater. A single switch can turn the apparatus into economy mode when the full cooling capacity is not needed.
The bath conforms to CE regulation. It also is equipped with a mechanical resettable over temperature safety cut out. The working temperature range is -82 to ambient (-112°F .. ambient)
The set point can be set in steps of 0.1°. The overall system accuracy is ±0.05°K. Standard available in °C, on request in °F.
A pressure pump provides circulation in the bath or via an external circuit. The pressure of the pump is 300 mBar at 10 litres per minute.
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TLC80-14DP 230V-50Hz
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